I know I haven't posted a DTFF in a few weeks... Been a little pre-occupied. Plus, I've been saving up to do show my head to toe makeover.
So without further ado...
Last Friday I went to my fave place, Design One Salon & Spa and hung out with Chris at Aura. She helped me get a whole new look last Summer and I absolutely love love love the line. So the Salon and Aura were having a promotion for Fall Updates so I went in and got some pampering done. Let me just say this, it was nice to get out of the house alone for some much needed ME time.
So Chris hooked me up with a great new look for the Fall. I got some new cream eyeliner too and I must say it is much easier than I thought it would be. Not sure why I waited so long to take the plunge...
Then, on Wednesday, I went to Darcy's and saw Victoria and got a new updated "do". I was flipping through my Sr yearbook and was horrified to discover that I've had the same basic hairstyle since high school. And that was like TWO years ago! OK... OK... It was more like Ten. So I was off by two letters... Who cares? : )
I gave Victoria free reign to do whatever she wanted with only one stipulation - needed to be somewhat low maintenance. Lets face it, I have 2 small children... My makeup only takes 10 minutes... My hair can't take more than that. I don't have the luxury of unlimited, uninterrupted face time in the mirror.
I must say I was rather pleased with the end result.
Then I got my Fabby Feet prize in the mail the other day. You remember, the prize I won for entering Tamara's Drabby to Fabby Friday giveaway??? I got it and decided that my feet needed a makeover too.
So there you have it. My head to toe Drabby to Fabby makeover.
Head on over to Tamara's site and check out the DTFF blogs. Just click the DTFF button on my page. You should post your own DTFF and you could win a Fabbylicious Prize. This week is a Date Night Apron from Quilt A Treasures. I SO want to win this one! It reminds me of something you'd see on I Love Lucy or Ozzie & Harriett (which, by the way, I LOVED watching as a kid. Reruns of course!) only a more modern, sexy version. Did I hear someone say "Clothing Optiinal?"
I had much better photos to show but they somehow disappeared from my phone. Apparently, I can only have 50 photos at a time...
This is face before. No makeup.
This is face and hair after.