Saturday, February 27, 2010

My Challenge to You

So my friend David posted this on his facebook status the other day:
"Church Marquee: 'Haven't seen you lately'. Thought: That church's model is more attraction than missional."

I was about to post an argument defending the church by saying it was still being "missional" but then I stopped to think a little deeper... and I realized he was right.

We all are guilty of this at some time in our lives. How many times have I said to myself "I haven't heard from Her in a while. I wonder what she's been up to?" And then the thought is filed away somewhere in my obviously unimportant file and I don't act on that thought.

Then there is the friend I haven't talked to in ages and I get upset because THEY haven't called ME. I mean seriously... the phone works both ways. How can I be so hypocritical as to get upset with someone else for doing the exact same thing that I have done.

I have seen so many relationships die because of this selfishness. That's right... I said selfishness. You can candy coat it however you want... but I call it like it is. (I am totally pointing the finger at myself in this post.)

So I challenge you, my faithful readers, to reach out to at least one person you haven't spoken to in a while. With Facebook, Myspace (does that even still exist?), Twitter, text message, AIM and the like so prevalent in our culture today this should be an easy task.

Comment on who (no names, please) and how it went.

1 comment:

  1. Great challenge! I understand completely! When I get upset over someone not reaching out to me in awhile I have to remind myself that maybe I should pick up the phone and stop whining about it, lol!
